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Re: SU Carburetters

To: "Richard A. Boris" <>, <>
Subject: Re: SU Carburetters
From: "Lawrie Alexander" <>
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 21:36:50 -0700

Another relevant question would be is the fuel pump providing enough fuel at
adequate pressure? Yet another, is there a partially blocked fuel filter in
the line somewhere? These carbs, as delivered, are usually quite effective
throughout the range provided they get enough fuel. (And, of course, I'm
sure he's checked the ignition system to make sure everything is in good
condition and that the timing is not retarded?)

British Sportscar Center
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard A. Boris <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, September 19, 1999 9:22 PM
Subject: SU Carburetters

>Hi Everyone:
>A fellow member of the MG Car Club- Long Island Center recently
>installed a SU K44 carb (from Victoria British) on his 1978 MGB.The
>single SU provides fine idle and low to mid range performance, however;
>under load such as hilly grades the power drops off, even with the
>throttle fully open. Questions: is anyone familiar with the carb, and
>are there rich high end needels available??
> Thanks: Rich Boris, 67B

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