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Re: Dowel pins on flywheel

Subject: Re: Dowel pins on flywheel
From: Barney Gaylord <>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 20:16:14
At 08:59 PM 9/14/99 -0700, wrote:
>.... Your last post really cleared things up. The pin I'm referring  to is
the one that locates the flywheel to the crank. Is that the one you mean? I
hope you get this before tomorrow morning. Are we talking about the same

Appearantly not.  The MGA has no pin between the flywheel and crank, just
six bolts with nuts on the clutch side.  And the early MGB 3-main flywneel
that I have also does not have any hole for a pin at that location, but
bolts right up the the MGA crank.

The Moss MGB parts catalog does show a pin for this location, called out as
2 or 1 used (depending on application I presume).  I'd take a wild guess
and say the pin(s) may be used for the 5-mail engine crank and flywheel,
even though the illustration in the Moss catalog is that of a 3-main

Anyone else want to take a shot at this one?  Would this be a plain
straight steel dowel pin?  Possibly available from a local source?

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

Guess I can cancel the mailing?

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