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Squeaky Steering, Moss can't help

Subject: Squeaky Steering, Moss can't help
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 00:51:57 EDT
Thanks for the posts about the possible causes of my squeaking steering 
wheel. Thanks to a lot of rain and a pinched nerve I wasn't able to really 
look at the car this week. Tonight, the sun did come out, and I went out to 
tighten the screws on the steering column as many of you had suggested.

Upon inspection of the steering column, I discovered there were no screws at 
all; it was just an empty space. Sooo, I called Moss Motors tech line to find 
out what size screws I would need. The tech rep I spoke to informed me that 
the screws used here were an unusual size, and that the only way I could get 
them would be from another Midget; he pondered a moment longer, and thought 
that MGB's may have used the same size screw for their steering column. 

My next question had to do with the screws on the door check stop, passenger 
side. One of the screws is positively stuck; the other one was rusted, but I 
got it out. In any case, I'll need new screws once I have someone take out 
the stubborn screw. Tech rep couldn't be positive, but thought that these 
screws were 10/32 in size. 

If any of you have, or know of a way I can get the right screws for these two 
jobs, please let me know, I would be very thankful for your help. I know 
these two problems are minor, but I would like to take care of them.


'78 Midget

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