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RE: Future of hobby and other matters

To: <>
Subject: RE: Future of hobby and other matters
From: "Steve Conley" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 08:55:57 -0700
I agree with you. I hope I'm not in the "old fart" category yet (41), but
the strongest indicator for what you said is my oldest son. He's 15 and
saving up for his 1st car (You mean you're not going to buy me one?). Before
I got the B, he was thinking conservative like an Accord or something. Now
he wants an LBC!

"You can observe a lot by just watching." - Yogi Berra

Steve Conley
Marysville, WA  USA
'76 MGB Roadster
MGB Online =

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, September 06, 1999 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: Future of hobby and other matters

Subject: Future of hobby and other matters

The LBC clubs I belong to, on the other hand, are
dominated by a bunch of very nice "old farts" and very few new or younger
members.  So, the question arises, what will happen when the old guard dies

I am sure that we all have nieces/nephews/younger cousins/grandchildren/etc.
that we can get involved in some way.... Have the younger folk help you wash
your car, then take them for a nice long ride, bring them to a car show,
Whatever -- just get 'em involved! My 3 year old nephew loves "fixing"
things. He gets his little toy wrenches out and helps me "fix" the MG, and
gets a real kick out of it when I start the car, rev it up and declare that
we "fixed" it. I strap him in and take him up and down the street a few
times-he thinks it needs more fixing! I even let my other nephew drive my
69 B out in the field behind my mother-in law's house, and he was only 9 at
the time. If you start them out young there's no telling what may happen
they become driving age.

Stephen Bartley
Portsmouth NH
1963 MGB

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