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Re: And other small furry things (meow)

To: "Steven C. Zabel" <>
Subject: Re: And other small furry things (meow)
From: Tim Nagy <>
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 08:40:09 -0400
No we don't need that kind of stuff, when I mentioned tail pipe, I meant
on the car!

Working at at colleges for 7-8 years, I've heard many stories, and
"felching" was one I could have done without.

Along with the feltching story, did you ever hear about the "fletching"
incident that lead to a flying flaming's kind of
funny...poor bastards, all three of them...


"Steven C. Zabel" wrote:
> >Tim Nagy wrote:
> >> Once they are deada, tie the tail up to a piece of pipe, shen she
> >> stiffens up, intie it, and the tail does a great job on the tail
> >> pipes...
> ----------
> >i prefer to use my neighbors dog
> >
> >glen
> ----------
> Anyone ever hear the term "feltching?"  It's a rather disgusting practice
> involving hamsters, and the idea seems  rather appropriate for the
> application of tail pipe cleaning...  And you don't even have to wait for
> rigor mortis to set in!
> -Zeeves
> '76 B
> Fort Wayne, IN

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