I can think of worse reasons to sign off.
Hurry back - don't let her take all your time ;-)
At this exact moment in time 8/24/99 14:09, palte@gmx.net made the
profound statement:
>Hi fellow MG listers,
>I've been on this list for a long time - about four or five years, that
>equals, in my case, at least three E-mail accounts and 3 different PC's.
>You all have been a great bunch of guys and gals, always ready to answer
>any question I might have had about MGs, their history, their maintenance
>or to comment on any of my remarks. Sometimes there were rather off-topic
>questions like how life is in the USA or in Australia.
>However, I've seen that I did not contribute anything any more on this list
>since last February.
>The reason for this is that I have found a new (and very interesting, I
>might add) interest.
>After having been a single guy for many years, I met a lady with whom I get
>along very well. We share a lot of interests and we spend lots of time
>And yes, she likes my MG. She's not particularly fond of my daily driver or
>my 1964 LandRover or my 1968 Trabant, but, yes, she really likes my red
>1970 MGB.
>Moving home is impending now (for both of us, preparing for living
>together) and this takes, of course, a lot of time.
>After only lurking for the last months, I have now decided to put an end to
>it. I'm signing off!
>Guys and gals, you have been great!
>Wish you all the best for the future. Keep up the good work!
>Bert Palte
>1970 MGB
>Holland, Europe
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Administrator/Manager
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104