I started this project in October of '95.
My cage builder lost his lease.
When the cage was built I couldn't get it teched for 4 months.
When I got the cage teched it wouldn't pass.
My trailer was stolen.
My wife left me and took the van.
I finally got settled down enough to work on the car and
came down with pnumonia the same week that the company I
worked at went out of business.
I finally got a job, and was in Singapore for most of 6 months.
Three weeks ago I decided that I'd give up on the restoration
I couldn't afford and just get the car on the road. It'll only
take a few days work and a few hundred dollars.
Multiply both of those by about four.
The hydraulics died while the car sat.
They've been fixed.
I was missing various small parts.
I finally collected all of them.
Tonight was the night I was finally putting the engine back together.
As far as I can tell with my cheap dial indicator:
.010 over bore.
.020 over pistons.
At least it's not the other way around.