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July 15

Subject: July 15
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 17:34:42 EDT
It was five years ago on July 15, 1994 that we lost John Thornley.

The post war MG cars so many of us are wrapped up in - the MGA, the MGB, 
especially the MGB GT, the modern Midget, and the MGC all owe their existance 
to John's tenure as Managing Director of the MG Car Company from 1952 to his 
retirement 30 years ago in 1969. He was the founding Secretary of the MG Car 
Club and was still serving as the Car Club's President at his death. It was 
appropriate in every way that he was known as "Mr. MG".

Please take the time to raise a glass of Guiness or its visual twin, a can of 
Castrol 20/50 to John's memory - or better still, go out and find a nice 
twisty road in your MG.

Kim Tonry
Downers Grove, Illinois USA

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