I took my 1970 MGB for an emissions test.
It passed CO and failed HC
At idle CO was 4.96, and at 2500rpm it was 2.67, limit is 5.5
At Idle HC was 2000, and at 2500rpm it was 2000, limit is 1000
I have a Weber downdraft carb; and a 25D distributor, with points. No air
I did nothing before the test (like tune up, etc)
I now plan a tune up.
My question is about the vacuum advance unit. I don't think it is working.
I removed the distributor and sucked and blew on the vacuum advance, no
movement. I noticed an air sound coming from where the flange [the one the
hose slips over] and the vacuum advance unit join, I assume that's bad. I
also noticed oil coming out of the vacuum advance unit. Any comments?
Maybe a little education on HC and CO emissions might be in order, any
experts out there?
Thanks in advance.
Larry Hoy