A battery in my '75 ( the 75s used a single 12v) would get corrosion on
one post all the time, and I had that same sort of go/no go situation. It
was so annoying!!!! It was always the same terminal. I'd take the
connection apart and it would appear clean. I'd grease it and reassemble,
and it would work fine until the next time that it didn't work fine. I
finally bought a new battery. The problem never recurred in the next six
years I had the car. Beats me why it happened at all.
On Thu, 8 Jul 1999 15:42:28 -0700 Chris Attias <>
>Since before the Fourth of July weekend the weather here in coastal
>northern California (Santa Cruz to be exact) has been perfect for
>LBCs top/hood-down. Sunny, but not too hot, all day; no fog. So I've
>having a blast driving my '64 MGB every day. Everything's running
>well...and then I went out to dinner last night, came out of the
>restaurant-- ZAP. The sound of the starter engaging for a split
>and then NOTHING.
>The first question was "To tow or not to tow." Despite the gathering
>gloom, I had faith that this was a simple fix. How tough could it be
>early B electrics. My daughter waited very patiently, Walk man
>on, for me to walk 100 yds. to the drug store to buy a multi-tip
>screwdriver and small Chinese crescent wrench. (I had a socket set in
>trunk, but no way to open the battery cover.) Got back, tested the
>headlights--no juice. Turned the key again--no ignition light. No
>evidence of fried wire or smell of arc welding. I played with wires I
>could reach just for drill--everything seemed to be making good
>Tried the ignition again, and presto--pump kicked on and the thing
>I don't know definitively what happened, or if it will happen again.
>theories would be welcome.
>My pet theory at the moment is that the 5-year-old Group 26 12v
>battery has
>an internal open fault-- that an open circuit was created under load
>as the
>starter bumped, and the circuit closed again when it cooled off. I'm
>carrying around a VOM in the trunk as insurance THAT IT WILL NEVER
>Chris Attias
>'64 MGB
>'84 Alfa Romeo GTV-6