>1) I need to re-glaze the winshield (windscreen for those of us who say
>tomaaahhto <g>). Is this an easy job?, do I need to completely remove the
>frame or can I remove the top of the frame, slide the oldglass out and
>insert a new glass?
You need to remove the frame. Two bolts hold it in place on each side
under the dash. I think you have to remove the panels to gain access to
bolts. Once removed, pull it out -- 1 person on each side. It's easy.
Obtain fastener kit from Todd Clarke. You may have to replace the angle
metal brackets, which may be too rusty. If Todd doesn't have this, Moss or
Scarborough Faire will. It will take 2 people to put the frame pieces onto
the glass -- 1 to hold the glass and frame peices while the other screws it
together. Andreas Pichler on the MG MGA BBS reported that not all glass
replacements have the same original dimensions. Make sure the replacement
glass is the same as the orginal. I would order from Scarborough Faire on
this part.
>2) The car has been fitted with Petronix electronic ignition - the timing
>seems off - how do I set the timing on an 'A' with Petronix?
Don't know. Don't have it.
>3) Thr starter drags, especially when cold (sounds like it smoked 3 packs
>of Rothmans & drank 8 pints of Boddingtons Best Bitter the night before).
>It has a recently re-built starter on it. Could this be a bad re-build on
>the starter or could this be related to the starter pull switch?
Check battery strength, connections, ground connections (insulating nylon
washer on the starter post prevents cable from touching the motor housing).
Good luck,
Art D.
1960 MGA 1600