I highly recommend Greece - ive been there before but this was a
particularly enjoyable trip - it was business most of the time but i
managed to sneak a weekend on Hydra at the end - cant be bad!
Very few LBC sightings but i did see one roadster- -about 68-70 vintage,
a very early spitfire and several Morris Oxfords but the real piece of
luck came from out of the blue. I met a guy at one of the business dos
who is a collector - bear in mind that i work with ships and the guy i
was talking to owns lots of them - as well as a couple of yachts and a
british football club!! I didnt get to see his collection this trip but i
have a raincheck for next year - 32 cars in all including several MGs as
well as numerous other British cars, a bunch of exotic italians, ancient
germans and the like - cant wait!
mike robson
69 roadster
70 BGT
53 Riley