I can't say for sure, but I'll give it a whirl...
The symptoms you describe sounds like some sort of fuel or air supply woes.
This is likely to be a fuel pump issue, but possibly a dirty fuel filter, or
an intermittent blockage in the line, but I doubt those last two are te
case. Check the air filters for freshness, as well as the canisters for
blockage. The only other option I can think of is rebuilding your carbs
completely, but if there's no other definitive answers, I'd check the other
(simpler) things first.
The only thing that really doesn't fit with that is the fact that you had to
leave to choke on when you first got it. Perhaps the idle was simply set
too low. One of the functions of the manual choke is an increased idle.
This may have been fixed when you tinkered with the carbs. Do you still
have to leave the choke open?
Best Regards,