Non of the MGs' had hardened valve seats installed from the factory.
The regular exhaust valves were also deemed suitable for unleaded use.
Unfortunately given the poor maintenance most US cars received, the
seats and valves were only good for about 40,000 miles on unleaded fuel.
Hardened seats and stellite valves can be retrofitted, and may
already have. Chances are the B you are looking at has had some form of
head work already done, the question is, how much and what?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 1999 5:25 AM
> To:
> Subject: Unleaded head in 1974?
> I am currently looking at a 1974 MGB-GT. This car is a CB
> and, judging
> by the build month, must be one of the last CB cars made before the
> switchover to RB cars. The car is original.
> Based on this information, does anyone know if this car has
> an unleaded
> head, which is to ask, does it have hard valve seats?
> Many thanks.
> Betty