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Re: Car Prices

To: David Hill <>
Subject: Re: Car Prices
From: Charley & Peggy Robinson <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 02:31:45 -0500
  Hi again Dave,

   Ducked me again! ;^)  OK, I'll MYOB about what you forked over for
your B.  I live in Kerrville, a small town in central TX, where MGs are
scarce.  I know of about 6 MGs in the county.  Prices must be depressed
here because folks aren't familiar with the cars.  My '69 wire wheel
roadster turned up in the paper for an asking price of $2K.  I bought it
for a bit less than that, have a bit more than $3K in it now.  It looks
good, runs well, is driven when we feel like driving it.  Typical MGB, I

  I'd never get my $$ out of it if I put it up for sale locally, I
think.  Others tell me I could.  Still others tell me that If I brought
it to (fill in blank) I'd get the kind of $$ the book says it's worth.  

  It's moot anyway.  I bought it to drive, not to sell.  Now if I could
just trip over an overdrive tranny the way I tripped over the car......


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