Spoken like a gentleman, Phil! Thanks for a very clear, logical explanation
of both gymkhana and autocross.
What do you think of funkhanas?
Allen Hefner
'77 Midget
'92 Mitsubishi Expo LRV Sport
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In a message dated 6/15/99 2:41:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
pvanner@pclink.com writes:
<< The real differences between the two, as practiced today, are that
gymkhanas are usually club events for older cars and they may involve the
use of: garages, (a box of cones that you have to pull into and stop)
reverse gear (never done in modern autocross, as far as I know; certainly
not in SCCA Solo2.) and they are more likely to use pivot cones. (A cone
that you have to do a 180 degree turn around. These are sometimes used in
autocross but they are pretty much universally hated, and the guy who laid
out the course better have a pretty thick skin.) >>