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RE: Charging The Two Six Volt Batteries

To: "Mike Razor" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Charging The Two Six Volt Batteries
From: "Ross Overcash" <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 20:31:58 -0400

My experience is that you should hook up your jumpers as if the two
batteries are one 12 volt. Black cable to ground and red cable to the
positive side of the battery behind the passenger seat (this should be the
battery that has the positive cable go to the starter. Do not under any
circumstance hook up a 12 volt source to  a single 6 volt. Of course why not
just turn on the ignition switch, put the car in 2nd and have someone give
you a push!  Anyway good luck

Safety Fast !!!

Ross Overcash,74B,NAMGBR 1172
Ayer, MA

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Mike Razor
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 1999 8:35 AM
Subject: Charging The Two Six Volt Batteries

It has taken so long to get the brakes in place, the batteries
have gone flat.  Can I use my big ole battery jumper to get
juice in each battery or since it is made for 12 volt systems
will it cook each six volt battery?  The car from h**l is
going to run!  I have not given up yet.
Mike R

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