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RE: Title and Bill of Sale

To: Neil Cotty <>
Subject: RE: Title and Bill of Sale
From: Phil Vanner <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 11:45:04 -0500
I do believe that Alabama is the state where cars are often "transferred" 
in order to legitimize their  not having a title. The dealer in Long Island 
City (part of Queens, actually - Archie Bunker's neighborhood) may have 
sold the car to the dealer in Alabama and then repurchased it, without it 
ever having left the lot. Thus he now has a car he can sell without a 
title, an ex-Alabama car.

I'd get suspicious, but you say the car is in rough shape so it's lack of 
title is more likely due to loss or misplacement (aren't they the same 
thing?) than an attempt to launder a stolen car. Good luck.

I think there may be terminology differences with what is a registration in 
Oz vs. a registration in New York. A car doesn't necessarily have to be 
running to be registered, particularly if it's too old to require an 
emissions test.

Phil Vanner
Mk1 Midget

-----Original Message-----

Subject:        Re: Title and Bill of Sale

Neil, Alabama was for many years a non-title state.  Registration may be 
only document that you get from Alabama.  Can someone else help?  John

Neil Cotty wrote:

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