Whoa there Max, some 4 synchro boxes had a
dipstick (my 73 does).
Look at the side cover of the gearbox:
- if it is rectangular, it is a 4 synchro box (68-80)
- if it is a trapeziod, (like a square with bottom
2 corners snipped off) it is a 3 synchro (62-67).
--- Max Heim <mvheim@studiolimage.com> wrote:
> The dipstick indicates the early 3-syncro
> transmission. Won't fit a 75 without other
> modifications such as flywheel and starter
> replacement. A retrograde move ; )
> frank krajewski had this to say:
> >Have a friend with a 1975 MGB and he needs a
> tranny. I have two in my
> >parts collection and both have the dipstick. Does
> anyone know if this
> >"dipstick tranny" is suitable for the 75 B? I just
> can't recall the
> >vintage of the trannies since I have had them for
> so long.
> >Frank "Swamp Yankee" Krajewski
> >
> >
> --
> ===============================
> Max Heim
> mvheim@studiolimage.com
> Studio L'Image/San Francisco
> 415 643 9309 : 415 643 9307 fax
> Studio L'Image/New York
> 212 242 3366 : 212 242 3399 fax
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