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Over consumption of fuel

Subject: Over consumption of fuel
From: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 18:08:56 -0400
From: "Jones, Mark" <>
>My car is going through gas like it was going out of style.  Before I put it
>away last fall for the winter I was getting over 300 miles on a tank.  I
>filled the car up yesterday and this morning it is reading half full and I
>have driven about 60 miles...

Mark -

Sounds to me like a faulty fuel gauge sender.  It has a plastic float
inside the tank.  Sooner or later the float develops a leak, fills with gas
and sinks.  Result: your gauge thinks your fuel level is much lower than it
is.  Don't judge your fuel consumption until you try filling up again.

' Hope this helps.


*        Allen H. Bachelder  =iii=<                     *
*        Sinking Creek Home for Wayward MGs     *
*        New Castle, VA 24127                   *
*        USA                                    *
*        540/544-7333                           *

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