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lotsa 'lectrical questions

Subject: lotsa 'lectrical questions
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 17:29:42 -0400 (EDT)
Hi all,

Started doing some electrical fault finding today on my '78 B. For this (as
I found out last Fall) the manual with wiring diagrams is VERY useful.

It turns out that I have a bad ignition switch relay, which is why none of
my ignition-on accessories work except for the radio (which is in the
circuit before the relay). Thanks to whoever suggested this as the problem
a while back. By jumpering with a fused line direct from the battery to the
fusebox, I was able to confirm that *almost* everything will work once I
get the relay replaced (Order me one now if you don't have one in stock,

The turn signal switch works, but it only turns the signals on, does not
flash them. Now, since the turn signal voltage on the diagram appears to go
through both the flasher unit and the hazard switch, can someone tell me
what I should see from each unit (with a multimeter or test light) to
verify that they work correctly? Is the interruption of the voltage done in
the flasher unit, or the hazard unit? Since the hazards don't work either,
I'm leaning toward that.

And since the brake lights (stop lamps) still don't work, I'm trying to
find the stop lamp switch and can't...can someone tell me where it is
physically located on the car?

And my battery which I just took off the charger was already dying by the
end of the day's work, so I got a new one (with a handle! very nice to have
in this car). I'm wondering, since most people don't lock convertibles, has
anyone had trouble with battery theft? Any good preventive measures other
than keeping a doberman or a bee's nest behind the seats?

Thanks for your help and patience,


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