On Friday, 16 April 1999 Eric Wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>huge snip<<<<<<<<<<<<
>It is nice to know someone who you can so totally trust with your car.
>And it happens I bumped into him almost by accident... I bought my car
>from his shop and now I am able to recommend him to others who have
>owned MGs for years and grumble about the people who they go to.
>I can say this without him blushing (not that the old bugger would
>blush) because there is only one other South Australian on this list
>(that I know of)... yes, he knows him too and I assume he would concur.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>end of snip<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Yep! concur absolutely.
P.S. Eric I gotta respect a guy who can be magnamonius @ 1.33 am
on ya!