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Re: Movie Review

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Movie Review
From: "Lawrie Alexander" <>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 18:48:49 -0700
Ummm, what's a DVD? Can I play it in my 8-track player? I thought we  MG
owners were supposed to be into objets d'antiquite..............:-)

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, April 08, 1999 11:50 AM
Subject: Movie Review

>Here's a movie review. I know.... car group and all, but this one is
>to automotive matters.
>I rented the DVD of Ronin the other evening.  De Niro was good, and the
>French sidekick, whose name escapes me was OK, but the rest of them
>the red haired slightly bug-eyed female lead (whose brief romantic
>with De Niro was as forgettable as her acting), didn't engage my sympathy.
>The real star of the movie, however, was the stunt driving.
>It is better than anything I have seen since Bullitt (one of the first DVDs
>bought. Although De Niro and one of the other drivers are no Steve McQueen,
>and in any case no doubt had stunt drivers (I think Steve did at least part
>of his own driving), the level of effects is truly excellent.
>It is set in France in scenic surroundings, and the driving on country
>in the city, the WRONG way on autoroutes etc. is pretty thrilling and looks
>quite realistic - it doesn't look choreographed, and not every car that
>to grief bursts into flame; in short, it appears that some thought actually
>went into that part of the shooting.
>The good guys drive a nitrous burning Audi A8, as well as miscellaneous
>Renault/Peugeot stuff, and the bad guys also a BMW and various other
>For the squeamish - no nudity, but a fair bit of blood. Recommended!
>Bill Spohn

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