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The Im-Proper MG?

Subject: The Im-Proper MG?
From: john fagerlund <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 04:53:25 -0800
I think it's about time I spoke up.  I have been trying to resolve this
issue for a couple weeks now.

I ordered a front suspension rebuild kit, which included a set of
reconditioned swivel axels, for my beautiful B from The Proper MG.  I
received and inspected them.  I found fresh black paint over chunks of road
dirt.  I could understand the pitting, because they were rebuilt, but the
road dirt, no.  I sent an email to them asking about the quality of the
workmanship and said I was concerned about the safety of using them on my car.

In a reply to my email, I was told they were thoughly cleaned and
inspected, and should be no problem. If they were as I said, they wanted to
see them so they could bring it up with their rebuilder.  I placed stickey
red arrows where I could scrape chunks of road dirt up with my finger nail
and sent them back.  Everything ok up to now (except for the quality isssue).

The reply to my email was just signed "The Proper MG".  I replied saying
they were on their way back.

No response.

I sent another email asking if they received them, what they thought and
asked who I was writing to.

No response.

I called and asked about the swivel axels.  I was told they went back to
the rebuilder.  The gent I spoke with did not know who responded to my
initial email but would look into it.

No response.

I'm now very concerned.  It seems like they don't care about the quality of
the items they ship or the customers they deal with.

Has anybody else had dealings with "The Proper MG".  Am I just being anal?
I will not put sub-standard parts on my car, especailly if there is a
safety issue.

I will return the rest of the items I ordered at the for a full refund.  I
can have the swivel axels rebuilt locally for a bit more, but then I am
ensured of a quality job.

Very disapointed in "The Proper MG",

John Fagerlund
2x'65 MGBs

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