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Re: Petronics ign...ballasted or not???

To: Tom McLaughlin <>
Subject: Re: Petronics ign...ballasted or not???
From: Bud Krueger <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 16:20:55 -0800

    The Pertronix module is 'just' a switch and it is designed for its red wire
to be connected directly to the car's 12 volt (white) wire.  It can handle
ballasted or unballasted coils.  The black wire connects to the distributor side
of the coil.  I am using a Pertronix module with a Lucas Sport Coil and the coil
is tied directly to 12 volts.  YMMV.

BTW, I'd suggest buying the Pertronix from Skip Kelsey of Shadetree Motors.  His
price is great and you can get answers directly from someone who knows (Skip).

Bud Krueger
77MGB (commuting car)

Tom McLaughlin wrote:

> Listers,
> I've been calling around to get a new electronic ignition for my 77B
> for a while and have talked to Moss twice.  They sell the Crane and
> Petronics (sp?).  Anyway, both times I have asked if the Petronics is
> for ballasted or un-ballasted systems and the person I talked to was
> unsure.  I know the Crane is for un-ballasted, but could someone
> answer the simple question of whether or not the Petronics is for
> ballasted or un-ballasted systems?  Both times I have pushed for an
> answer I get, "I believe it is un-ballasted like the Crane."  Not
> really trying to hack Moss.  I usually get decent answers, but this
> time I'm a little confused.
> Also, I'm replacing a Pirana (if you remember my ignition woe's from
> the past couple weeks).  Can someone tell me if this was for ballasted
> or un-ballasted systems?  I know one way to find out is to check the
> voltage at the coil after starting the car, but I can't do that right
> now, and I had not done it previously.  I've gone through the wiring,
> but it is a bit of a mess so I'm still unsure if the system is
> ballasted as original or not.
> As always, thanks in advance.  I'm sure some of you get frustrated
> with first timers, but I appreciate the advice.
> Tom
> 77B (weather getting nicer so maybe she'll stop being mad at me and
> start this week)

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