On 3/13/99 8:55 PM so and so (Steven R Schultz) said. (And I quote:)
>Hi All
>I don't know about you but I find the volume of messages on this
>list to be almost overwhelming. If I am not able to log on for three
>or four days I know what is coming when I log on.
>Isn't it time to split the list? I would suggest the list be split with
>TD's, TF's & A's on a new list and B's on this list. All of those who
>want The Full Monty could subscribe to both. What do you think?
>'61 MGA
Now wait a durn minute. What about Midgets? I don't mind the volume on
this list. I can hit the delete key if I want. I read most of the posts
even though I have a Midget and the majority are B/A type questions with
a few T's thrown in for good measure. Yes we Midget drivers have a
seperate list for Spridgets (tends to be dominated by the Sprite types -
could be 'cuz us Midget drivers have this list to rely on as well) and I
get that and that increases the volume of mail I get.
I find most of the comments between the drivers of other models of MG's
are enlightening. The specific ones that do not have any general info in
them are the one's I am most likely to skip.
I also belong to a couple of lists that are comuter specific and several
at Penn that are work related. Somedays I don't get through all but I
try. A typical Monday morning mail file gets me in the 3-400 message
range. Of course most of them I have already read, I just need to find
the important ones to save.
Don't split the list!!
Larry Macy
78 Midget
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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