Check the points carefully, if they use the plastic lifter I will
lay odds that the plastic is melting. My bet is you put in the late coil
which is designed to be ballasted down to about 6 volts, and are feeding it
full voltage. This will overheat the points, melting the plastic lifter and
the points will close. Been there, done that.
The gunking of the cables may be overcharging of the battery. This
may also relate to the points failure. Put a volt meter on the car and make
sure voltage is not going above (aprox.) 14.5 volts when running. If the
voltage regulator on the alternator is off, you may be running a higher
voltage which will cook the batteries and also overheat the points.
Just a thought.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brent Beermann []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 9:17 AM
> To:
> Subject: 72' B acting up....
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