Why would a company use ink if the subject wasn't relevant, you ask? Well,
here are a couple of terms you may have heard that are relevant
"informed consent"
"Material Data Safety Sheets"
California Prop 65 warning
The first one has to do with an employee's right to know of hazards in the
workplace, and make informed decisions if he/she wants to continue in this
line of work. This is a federal regulation. Material Data Safety Sheets are
also another Federal requirement that a workplace have available sheets
listing everything there is to know about a product used in that workplace.
The MSDS for my training school is a 3" binder full There is a different sheet
for each product including such info as flammability, health risks, boiling
point, flammability and a 24 hour phone number for more info. (in case you
drink antifreeze at 2 AM I guess) (BTW I'm looking at the MSS for antifreeze
did you know that it will autoignite at 770 degrees F? I didn't) As far as
health risks go the LD50 (lethal dose in 50% of the time) for oral doses of
antifreeze in lab rats is 4700 milligrams / kilogram.
California Prop 65 requires anything sold in California that could possibly
cause cancer to be labeled as such. The wording goes something like this "The
State of California has determined that this product has been shown to cause
cancer in lab rats." When you visit California look for these signs they are
everywhere, the food store, department store, bars, well you get the idea.
and lastly it by putting the warning on the can/ bottle/ package it prevents
the "You never told me" lawsuit. Bottom line is if there is any risk no
matter how small it is part of public record, and the company would be fools
not to publish this info no matter how trival it may seem. That's makes the
disclosure of the information the relevant part even if the info being
disclosed is not particulary relevant.
I've wrenched on a lot of cars for a lot of years, and I have never used motor
oil for hand lotion.(Note the use of the word continuos in the warning.) I do
wear latex gloves when working on cars, but that is more for the ease of clean
up then it is for health reasons. Make no mistake there are lots of things on
cars that are very bad for your health, however IMHO motor oil is not at the
top of the list.
Rick Ewald
67 MGB
In a message dated 3/10/99 12:12:05 AM SA Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> In a message dated 3/9/99 12:26:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> << One thing I did learn by reading the label: Warning lab tests
> > have determined that continuous skin contact with used motor oil
> > has caused cancer in laboratory animals. I wanted to let
> > everyone know, just in case you felt like being in continuous
> > contact with your used motor oil. YMMV. >>
> why would an oil company waste the ink on a subject that isn't relevant????
> yours, H4(Howard)