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Re: Heat, or lack thereof in MGB

Subject: Re: Heat, or lack thereof in MGB
From: Bob Howard <>
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 07:38:31 EST
  If you turn the lever on the valve, note how it works by running it the
groove, a coarse thread sort of action.  On both my MGBs, the dash
control only moves the lever about 90 percent of the motion that the
valve needs.
  If that's happening in your ride, the solution is to loosen the cable
clamp on the valve, set it full open when the control is full open, then
re-clamp.   When warm weather returns to Plymouth, you re-set it for
summer touring conditions.
  So that will get water flowing to the heater core.  The core may be
another problem. The cores on my two Bs and the TD released incredible
quantities of solids when rinsed with the garden hose. It's a messy
process, but effective.

On Fri, 05 Mar 1999 20:08:12 -0800 Bud Krueger <> writes:
>Hi again,
>     These chilly mornings (temp about 20F) have left me with a desire 
>for a bit
>more heat. (that's an understatement.)  The 77B, with a 190F 
>thermostat, warms
>up quite readily according to the temperature gauge, and the heater 
>blower is
>rather loud.  The problem is that the air coming out is barely warm.  
>I know
>that the temperature control is hooked up properly, I did that when 
>replaced the
>console after the new wiring harness. I see two likelihoods, one is 
>that the
>heater valve is restricting water flow, two is that the heater core is 
>and needs to be flushed.  Would anybody care to venture a call as to 
>attack has the greater probability of success?  Please remember that 
>this hardly
>the season to dig out the garden hose in New England. TIA.
>Bud Krueger

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