Fellow listers,
I have come to a milestone that many of you have already experienced
(except for those who seem to have a penchant for stacking machines up
in your backyards)...
I am selling my first (MGB) love - the Primrose beast!
As I have already shared with Ed (cut and paste is a wonderful thing)...
I really tried not to get too attached to her because she was *always*
just meant to be my 'learning experience' but I can't help but feel the
parting pangs already.
I have spent some money and lost some skin and learned a lot over the
past eleven months (yeah... just like the kids of today... I want
instant gratification) but she now needs some more work and some more
bucks spent on her that I think the NEW owner needs to experience.
Why take away ALL of the fun, eh?
Don't worry... I am now in the market for a... '68MGB MkII of course.
Hell, I don't want to waste all that learning that I have done :-)!