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Re: MGB rear brake cylinders

Subject: Re: MGB rear brake cylinders
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 00:47:47 -0500 wrote:
> Sometimes wheel cylinders can be rebuilt but usually not.

  I've actually had decent luck. That might be regional

  Theory: If you live in areas where you park your car for
a long winter, the rubbers deteriorate and are the usual
cause of cylinder failure. They are replaceable. That's
the case around here, which is why rebuilding is popular
and effective.

  Perhaps if other parts of the world where the cars
see regular use, the cause of wheel cylinder failure
is scored or rusted bores. New rubbers don't really
work in these cases, so rebuilding has a bad rap.

> Here's my trick to installing those pesky wheel cylinder clips.

  Here's my trick, chuck 'em.

  The rebuild kits come with circlips instead of those
bizarre E-clips. Use them instead, on and off in five
seconds when needed.

Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933

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