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Re: BMC Week, Dailey Drivers

To: "Harlan Jillson" <>, <>
Subject: Re: BMC Week, Dailey Drivers
From: "Mike Lishego" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 20:02:07 -0500
    Thanks for the little plug in there.  Oddly enough, tomorrow I'm
working on moving my website to Skye's server along with revamping
it.  One of my new sections will include some of the stuff I've
written, including some never-before seen automotive works.
    Right now, I'm driving Little Miss Magic as a daily driver.
Yes, the '74 is doing very well, and I've only driven her top-up one
day this year (when I was sick last week).
    If you all remember the heated thread of two months ago about
driving an MG in bad weather, you can see some "bad weather" pics of
my car and I in western PA.  Hmmm...Might this be next year's X-mas
card?  I'll let you know when the new stuff is up.

Michael S. Lishego

>Hi All,
>   After the recient reminder that was posted about BMC week, I
went to the BMC site and went through the stories there ( saw your's
in there mike L.).  It got me to wondering just how many of us are
driving our LBC's as dailey drivers.  I know that there are some
obvious daileys on the list (barney..) but with marks report of 400+
list participants, I was just curious as to how many of us drive'em
dailey, and how many are garage queens.
>   Personally, I just have the two mg's, the '72 roadster that is
my dailey at the moment, and the '72 GT that is in the process of
>    Just curious, anyone want to comment?

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