On Wednesday, 27 January Matt wrote
Subject: RE: Australia Day
>Since we're talking about acquaintances: I used to work with a guy who
>moved back home last year, to Adelaide, Australia. Since then, I've seen
>that one of you Ozzie listers hails from that very town. Pleasant
>>>>>>>>end of original<<<<<<<<<<
both Eric "Whose ancesters discovered New Vineland" and me whose
ancestesr discovered bugger all that I'm aware of. live in Adelaide, the
arty crowd call the place "The Athens of the South" and the "State of Wine
and Roses." The car Number Plates proclaim "The Festival state" I guess if
I gave this much thought I'd probably suffer from an identity crises or
something akin to that, however it's a good place to live in. We have a
thriving MG Car Club with a busy social & competition calender. The weather
is Left coast Southern or Mediterranean. Which gives us nine months of warm
to hot, sunny top down driving and three months of mild winter. Stone the
Crows!! I sound like a travel agent! The state is the same size as Texas and
we have around 1.5 million people, the .5 live in the bush, the rest in
Adelaide. { So if you want to find a crowd, you gotta go find one } Have
Been owning/driving MG'S since 1962.