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[Fwd: Intent was: Re: rheostat freaking out...any ideas?]

To: mgs <>
Subject: [Fwd: Intent was: Re: rheostat freaking out...any ideas?]
From: Karl Shultz <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 21:32:43 -0500
First...Victoria is **slow**!!  I ordered a bunch of stuff from them
about 12 business days ago, and nothing.  I know it's mail order, but
other places I've ordered from (Tire Rack, SF Motorsports, IOPort
racing) do things a lot faster than this.  Arrgh!

Second...Thanks for the input on the rheostat.  Personally I wish I
could contribute more to the list...if any of you autocross
3rd-generation Integras, I can be of service.  Anyhoo, I think that I'll
replace the rheostat if it is bad, though it seems like putting a
steering wheel on a toaster.  Why would you want the lights any dimmer?

I'll check the r'stat out this weekend after I put the roll cage in the
Integra.  I'd better get the B working the way I want it, because the
way my Integra is developing, I'm going to have to drive the B every
day, as it will be more comfortable , will ride better, and will be more

Something about the above just seems wrong.

Skye Poier wrote:
> Personally, my intent is to fix things rather than bypass/bodge them, and if
> a modificatoin to the original design is necessary, preference will be
> given to modifications which are easily reversable.
> Skye
> Word on the street is that Bill Saidel said:
> > At 07:46 PM 1/26/1999 -0000, you wrote:
> > >If you REALLY want to bypass the rheostat all the ones I have seen have had
> > >two spades on each terminal, so you just move one of the wires over to the
> > >spare spade on the other side.
> >
> > >But come on, surely it's a point of honour to keep them in circuit?
> >
> > I want to take issue with the "point of honor [sic]". Years ago when I
> > worked as a
> > photographer, I got into an endless debate as to whether the only artistic
> > photograph is one that uses the entire frame - no cropping allowed. The
> > original
> > image is the only valuable image.
> >
> > Took me years to resolve the issue in my mind and the answer goes like this:
> > The final product is what is important, how I intend to present the image 
> > how it is received. Crop the crap.  It does not belong as part of my
> > 'intention.'
> >
> > To translate this attitude into a point of honor MG issues, what is the
> > intent? IF the intent
> > of owning one is to drive and enjoy and fix and keep it running, then
> > anything that works,
> > elegant, crude, original (to Aberdeen) or not, is valuable.
> >
> > If the intent is to showcase an original, well, all modifications are off
> > and one
> > can ignore the subsequent 20-40 years time. To be completely true to
> > original, then
> > buying remanufactured parts from Moss or VB or ... should not be acceptable
> > either.
> > What then? A garage relic.
> --
> 1966 MGB        The MGB Experience         __,__\__
> GHN3L-70307     (_o____o_)    MGOFR 1.375

Karl Shultz   ||
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