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Re: Free play

To: Neil Cotty <>
Subject: Re: Free play
From: Eric Erickson <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 02:04:21 +0509
Neil Cotty wrote:
> For a long time I have noticed a real nice big clunk when reversing 
> from standstill or going forward from standstill. Worse reversing. 
> Well I've located the source of the problem and
> I'm wondering what I should do about it and actually where the problem 
> is. Where the propshaft uj joins the diff, there is considerable play 
> in the diff end - around 1/2 - 3/4". Is there supposed to be free 
> play? If so how much? I wouldn't imagine anywhere near this amount. 
> The clunk was very loud and seemed to be getting worse. The UJ's are 
> perfect, the play is in the diff end.


If you fix your clunk your way and I don't fix *my* clunk by replacing
the rear hubs then I am going to be very cross with you!  Although I
know that the hubs need replacing anyway I hate to think that this
little bit of added expense will not address this very noticeable

The extra proof of my solution being close for me (Wednesday), however,
is that I can make *my* "clonk" noticeably less by giving the right rear
knock-on an extra few whacks with the mallet.

It seems that the MGB has more ways to "clonk" than any other vehicle I


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