Hi all,
Many thanks from all the suggestions for removing the frozen thermostat
housing. Liquid wrench for 3 days and numerous clues from different
responses worked well. Now, I have two thermostats. I gave them the hot
water thermometer test and found I have an old but well-working 165F & a
new 185F. What are the pros & cons for using either, given that the B is a
Spring-Summer-Fall vehicle?
Also, many thanks for the collective infusion of acronyms. Now I know.
FYI, the attempt to generate a group to index Bentley (some version) failed
because only 7 out of the entire list initially volunteered to take a
chapter, and after private discussion, that number dropped to 4.
Sorry...nice idea...poor followthrough (glad I did not say that to my SU).
Maybe we can try again in 6 months.
Dr. Bill Saidel
Assoc. Prof. Vocal phone (609) 225-6336
Department of Biology FAX (609) 225-6312
Science Building email: saidel@crab.rutgers.edu
315 Penn St.
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Camden, NJ 08102 -1411
"Between the approximation of the idea and the precision
of reality, there is a small gap of the unimaginable."
Milan Kundera - "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"