I've put 200K miles on a '67 B using unleaded gas and haven't had any
problems with
premature wear.
Denise Thorpe
Hi Denise & fellow listers;
Interesting to hear your high mileage with leaded fuel. I started using
a lead additive (STP) well it's a substitute actually. I find the 77 (74
engine) much happier with it. Also the PO thought there were some timing
problems with the engine ( pinging, low power etc. between 30 & 50 kph)
but I haven't noticed this. I, however, have nothing to compare to. He
included all the parts for a timing chain rebuild and an electronic
ignition with the car but I have always been a member of the "ain't
broke don't fix it crowd" so neither has been installed. Any comments,
suggestions, experiences?
Best Wishes & Safety Fast
Andy Proudfoot 77B
Gander, Newfoundland