I am installing the HardTop on the wife's 1980 MGB LE.
There is a piece of hardware (2) missing. This part fits into the Frame Top &
Tunneau Bow Socket located on both sides of the body behind the doors. The
HardTop has a ring that aligns with the socket. Evidentially the part fastens
into the socket and allows the HardTop to be tightened down at that point.
Anyone have an idea what this part is called, what it looks like and where
same can be acquired?
Thomas P. Winslow
1966 TR4A IRS - CTC57665L <> 1968 TR250 - CD4783L <> 1968 TR250 - CD5272L <>
1980 MGB LE
189 Hicks Creek Road, Troutman, NC 28166
h704-528-5868 * f704-528-5868 * p704-878-1157
E-Mail: winslow@vnet.net * tom_winslow@msn.com * tom.winslow@prodelin.com
Web Page: http://www.iredell.com/triumph.htm <>