The cruise control on my C is similar to the one Larry describes. Works
great on the C. Whitney no longer sells that kind. It uses a lead to the
coil to tell how fast the engine is going. When the coil pulses slow down,
it pulls on the carb linkage. When the motor seems to run away, it cuts out.
No need for magnets or clutch switch. Unfortunately they no longer sell that
I'm pleasantly surprised that some 4 cylinder cars are working with one.
Both the ones in the current Whitney catalog suggest vacuum chambers for 4
cylinder cars, and the has been Barney's experience with his A. I would try
one of the Whitney ones, which I think are on sale, and get the vacuum tank
Now for the louvers for the GT. It think they may still be available in
England. It is expensive to join either of the MG clubs, but they do have
parts and accessories that may not be available here. I bough a "one size
fits all" set from Whitney, but haven't installed them since the GT
slumbers in the summer, and comes out in the winter. I'll get around to it
one of these days. They seem to come and go in their catalog. I suspect it
is considered seasonal merchandise.
Hope this helps. Couldn't do the trips in the C half as easily if I didn't
have the cruise control. The one I have works fine.