At 12:16 PM 11/30/1998 -0600, you wrote:
>Had the Midget out top-down on Saturday 11/28. Not bad for Minnesota. I
think I'll take it to work tomorrow.
>Phil Vanner
>Mk1 Midget
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rick Brown []
>Sent: Sunday, November 29, 1998 3:28 PM
>To: Tyson Sherman/school;
>Subject: What a beautiful weekend here in New Jersey
>Hi all
>Just got back from a spin in the "A" - top down - and here it is 2 days
>away from December! God I hope this is a sign of things to come for the
>winter - I didn' think we could have a better winter than we did last
>year - Hell I had the "A" out - top down - in January last year!
>Terry Allen dropped by this morning with a big grin on his face - he
>just got back from New Hampshire where he purchased a 67 Land Rover from
>a member of this list at Brit-Bits. We adjusted the carbs on my
>BGT which had been giving me a little trouble lately since running a
>new choke cable in. We also made some adjustments to the carbs on
>Terry's 67 BGT.
>Well just wanted to let the list know that we are still driving top down
>in the East - well some of us are.
I certainly second Rick.
Who would have believed top-down driving Nov 29th in NJ. Took a 50 mile
spin to some
tourist site way down in Southern NJ just to go driving - even my
wife thought it was great. Hair blowing...sun sort of shining, but still warm.
Sigh: Only problem was the BIG pool of oil I found under the car in the
driveway when
we returned. Fortunate it was my driveway! Wish it would snow so I won't
feel bad
when it hits 65(F) again.
Dr. Bill Saidel
Assoc. Prof. Vocal phone (609) 225-6336
Department of Biology FAX (609) 225-6312
Science Building email:
315 Penn St.
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Camden, NJ 08102 -1411
"Between the approximation of the idea and the precision
of reality, there is a small gap of the unimaginable."
Milan Kundera - "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"