To clear something up - I never said that Midel was the carb supplier to
Moss. So I don't know where you heard that from Paul but in fact Bill
told me he didn't supply Moss and that Moss bought their carbs from
Burlen as Kelvin stated. However I believe he does supply Joe Curto in
NY - to what extent and with what I have no idea, thats between them as
is the Midel-Moss relationship. All I know is he bought out the SU
Factory stock as I've stated before and that they do sell to
individuals. I was only purveying information on what I thought were
good prices and a good company.
To add to my carb problem of last night, I've noticed that there is a
very slight leakage (shouldn't call it leakage, it's seeping but not to
the 'dripping' extent) on the front carb around the gasket. I didn't use
any gasket cement on the float bowl gaskets. Should I? Or will the
gasket 'bed in' after a little while as the thermostat cover tends to
do? I doubt this is causing the fuel pump issue.. ?
I also cleaned up and refitted my distributor (25D) last night with new
internals. I was going to fit a pair of original Lucas points when I
decided to take a look at the Bosch points I'd bought for the A - same
item for the B. Well the Bosch points look 100 times more rugged than
the Lucas ones so I've decided to fit these. I'll see how these hold up
over time. Oh I have also found out that my distributor is Aluminium in
color, not black. <G> God my car was greasy!! <G> Now I can actually
work on a large part of the car without getting covered in grease. How
long that will last I have no idea!! <VBG>
I'll have the photo's of the carb rebuild on the net sometime next week
- fingers crossed! :)