Where would be a good source to locate an OD transmission for a 1980 MGB LE?
What price would I expect to pay for a good unit? A 'Pot-Luck' unit?
Thomas P. Winslow
1966 TR4A IRS - CTC57665L <> 1968 TR250 - CD4783L <> 1968 TR250 - CD5272L <>
1980 MGB LE
189 Hicks Creek Road, Troutman, NC 28166
h704-528-5868 * f704-528-5868 * p704-878-1157
E-Mail: winslow@vnet.net * tom_winslow@msn.com * tom.winslow@prodelin.com
Web Page: http://www.iredell.com/triumph.htm <>