I went to the Ace Hardware today to find a replacement screw for my floppy
side mirror.
I unscrewed the mirror and took it in with me to find the right fit. As the
guy was looking at it, the mirror part slipped off the shaft and CRASH....
Now, this guy is a good dude and is very helpful, and my military training
is such that I don't sweat the small stuff, EVER...(that is saved for when
bullets are flying around).
I told the dude that it cost me 15 bucks to replace the other one, and he
said he was thinking more like $100, cuz I'd driven up in the B. I waited
for him to offer. The offer never came, and I figured I probably make 4
times what this guy does, so screw it. I told him it could have been me, we
found the right screws, and I walked out, feeling miffed but realizing I had
saved this guy his Saturday night of partying...:)
Moral of the story: Don't let people handle your breakable LBC stuff in a
hardware store. If this happens to you, "take the long way home" in your LBC
and it'll be ok.
Thanks for letting me vent. The SO would holler at me that I'm just too nice
to people. Terrible personality flaw, I know.
73 B