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Re: "Shell Ensis 260 Fluid"?

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: "Shell Ensis 260 Fluid"?
From: "Jerry Causey" <>
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 10:21:35 -0800
No one answered when I asked this very question of the list a year 
or two ago. I think it's and urban myth -- some sort of unobtanium. I 
finally just wiped my spring leaves down with a "dry" gun lube, 
Prolix ( ), put in new Corsan (another 
unobtanium bit now that Marc Sayer has disappeared from the 
BritCar scene) interleaving (interleafing??) material, and 
reassembled them. I don't know what all this really accomplished, 
but it made me feel as though I had taken a positive step in the 
forever restoration and improvement of my '67 GT.


> What on earth is the "equivalent" for this stuff (and what is it)?
> Haynes says to coat the rear springs with it, and I was just doing a little
> light Sunday reading for future project planning.
> Dan
> 73 B

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