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Re: 70 MGB GT - Fuel Pump

To: Gary Davis <>
Subject: Re: 70 MGB GT - Fuel Pump
From: Paul Hunt <>
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 19:24:00 +0000
Gary Davis wrote:
> Please overlook the obvious ignorance that follows.  I bought my GT in
> February.  Shortly thereafter, I bought a new battery, had the alternator
> and starter rebuilt, and the solenid replaced.  It starts like a charm.
> However, during the last week starting has been more labored.  I thought
> it might have been the relative cool days we're having in Montana.  But
> yesterday morning, it wouldn't start at all.  The fuel pump clicks and the
> tach bounces up to about 1000, but it won't start.  I took a quick look at
> the fuel pump and noticed a clearish old plastic? hose running from near
> the gas tank towards the fuel pump.  It was not connected to the fuel
> pump but looked like it had been.  I didn't have a whole lot of time to
> investigate more yesterday, but suspect something is amiss with this
> hose.  Can someone explain to me what the hose does and whether it is
> likely the source of my starting problems?
> Thanks - Gary

The pipe you mention is probably one of the two that vent the internal
cavities of the fuel pump to the boot/trunk to equalise air pressures
while pumping.  It is unlikely to cause the problems you describe but
should be refitted.

By 'labouring' do you mean cranking over slower each day than the last? 
Or cranking away at about the same rate each day but taking longer and
longer to catch?  If the former it sounds like lack of battery power
that could be caused by a progressive poor connection in the main
battery circuit or solenoid (ah ha!) or starter (ah ha!), or gradually
losing charge because of a defective alternator (ah ha!).  Try measuring
the cranking voltage at the battery posts (not the clamps) and comparing
it with the cranking voltage at the solenoid.  If you get more than
about 1v difference then you have one or more bad connections in the
main battery circuit.

If the latter it could be something in the carbs or ignition circuit
rapidly deteriorating.


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