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Re: New MGA Owner!!!

To:, mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: New MGA Owner!!!
From: Barney Gaylord <>
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 20:25:35
At 08:57 PM 10/5/98 EDT, (P. Haase) wrote:
>After looking for several months, I now have a 60 MGA 1600 roadster in my
garage.  .... Car is ready to go, no major work needed at this point, ....
Mostly, though I will be driving !!!

YES, YES, YES !!!  Congratulations on you'r new acquisition.

>By the way it is #65 in NAMGAR, can I find out anything about that? ...

Oh, by all means.  Point your browser to this address and chack out the
NAMGAR web site:


Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

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