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Re: True or False

Subject: Re: True or False
From: (David Deutsch)
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 1998 20:00:58 -0500 (CDT)
Simplicity is what makes these cars reliable. Spark and gas that all 
they need to run. Compared to anything rolling off the assembly line 
today the are much more reliable. I drive a 74 GT and a 75 B roadster, 
that's it. Maintanence is the key. Timely tune-ups and oil changes and 
a few spares should be kept on hand. I keep an alternator, fuel pump, 
belts, hoses and ignition parts (coil, rotor, cap and contact points)   
on the shelf (in the boot on long trips) as well as a basic tool kit.

I have had to been towed on a couple of occasions but then again I have 
also had the wife's Mazda MPV (once) and Toyota Camry (many times) 
towed. Anybody driving around with out some kind of Motor Club member 
is being very foolish. For those who don't know, I'm the Roadside 
Asistance Tech (drive a tow truck), on the list. Today, as example (and 
I'm still on call), I towed 4 cars, changed 3 flat tires and jump 
started 4 cars, all were Motor Club covered. I did have one cash call 
and that was a lock out (keys in car/people out of car/doors locked), 
cost them $40 for me to open door in under 30 seconds.

Bottom line: the answer is false. These cars are not inherently 

There's my beeper....on the road again!

Safety Fast
David Deutsch
and remember to always trip your tow driver  :-)

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