>Acme is the peak, the highest point, nearly synonomous with Zenith. I
>think it is also an Arabic astronomical word, like Zenith. It is the
>opposite of nadir.
I thought that was APEX....There actually was an ACME machine tool company
once, I used to work in a shop with a lot of really old tools, and though I
can't remember for the life of me what they were exactly, there were a
couple of ACME labeled tools. But whatever that organization might be or
might have been, after Wile E. Coyote's problems and subsequent lawsuit
(I'm modernizing), I'll never buy a thing from them. And if ACME is the
peak, and is synonymous with Zenith, who of course made all those
Carburetors, TVs and VCRs, then they must be alright, right? I knew you'd