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look for the obvious....

To: "MG Mailing List" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: look for the obvious....
From: "John Steczkowski" <>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 09:44:20 -0700
Last weekend, some kids were in my MGB pretending they were driving, they
were honking the horn, and then it stopped working... I didn't have a chance
to look at it until this weekend.

Anyway, I looked at the fuse, and it looked fine, But I wasn't getting power
to the horns. hmmm, I wasn't sure if the horn button completed ground, or
gave power, so I took that apart, the contacts were very dirty and my
volt/ohmmeter confirmed that there was a fair amount of resistance, cleaned
that up, but the horns still didn't work.  frustrating... I put a jumper
from known power and was able to make the horn work (with the horn button).
hmmm, checked the fuse with the ohmeter and guess what....It was blown, it
just didn't look like it was blown.

Crap! So this weekend I spent 20 minutes changing a fuse.

The real  problem was that it had a 10amp fuse, and it should have been
35amp. The kids blowing the horn continuosly made it burn out.

The moral....check the obvious...maybe even twice.  The good news is that my
horn use to be really wimpy sounding, but since I cleaned the contacts on
the button, it's really pretty loud...

John Steczkowski
Director, Client Services, Central
PSW Technologies, Inc.

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