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Update: MGB Brakes

To: "''" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Update: MGB Brakes
From: "Kroeger, Fred" <>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 16:23:37 -0500
Well, I wanted to do a lot of work on the car this weekend but I ended up
home Friday afternoon with some kind of stomach virus and was not able to do
much of anything until Sunday after church. I tore the master cylinder apart
and wire brushed it real well. It wasn't as rusty as I thought it would be.
The pressure sensor valve on the front was a chore to get out, but some work
with a needle nose pliers, a pair of hemostats and some muttering under my
breath finally got it out without marring it. I used some sandpaper on a
small block to clean off the machined flats on the MC body and some rifle
and pistol bore cleaning brushes to get inside it. It actually cleaned up
nicely. I painted the outside with Naval Jelly and let it soak for about 15
minutes and hosed it off and it looks like new. I had a brake cylinder hone
that fit inside so now it looks great. Some of the pistons and springs have
some rust spots on them and I am polishing them off with 400 grit wet n dry.
I hope to get it back together sometime this week. I have baby duty for the
next couple of nights so it will be slow going. I also took the vacuum
booster out of the trunk, where I put it two years ago, and decided it
didn't look all that bad. I have done some work on other cars since then and
learned a lot about vacuum boosters. I cleaned it up and the diaphram and
spring look to be in great shape. The pushrod and spring have no rust on
them, but the pushrod seal leaks a little and the filter on the other side
is non-existant. I think I will paint it and replace the seal and filter and
call it good. The check valve is working and the grommet is in good shape.
Maybe I can get the booster and MC put back in the car this week and get the
pedal box back together. I couldn't find the Tee for the brake lines on the
rear axle so I ordered a new one from VB and it should be here today or
tomorrow. Then I can start bending the new steel lines I have to replace the
old and pitted aluminum lines. I hope to have the brakes done in a couple of
weeks, then I can drop the leaking gas tank  and fix the seals in it. Then I
can look at the rear main seal and see why it is leaking, then
................ :-)

Fred Kroeger
'80 MGB
'72 240Z
'95 Miata

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